Why Write A Book Like Everyone Else When You Can Create a Strategic Masterpiece That Is One-of-a-Kind ... and Makes You Money?

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For all the books written, most of them are words on a page. You might be thinking, that’s what a book is supposed to be.


Yes, but it’s 2023 and the available technologies to create a rich reader-experience (rather than a boring only-words-on-a-page book) is vastly underused. That’s likely because most people don’t have any idea where to start to produce a richer experience, let alone strategize use of the technologies. 


This is sad. Books aren’t meant to be written for the author. They’re meant to be for the benefit of the reader. And that means readers being able to use the information you wisely want to impart.


But given that we have the attention span of ants, why wouldn’t we use more interesting ways of encouraging those readers to actually use the material in your book?


If you’re no longer interested in wasting years thinking about that undone project of writing your book, and you’d like it DONE and checked off your Bucket List or whatever magic list you have for yourself, fill out the application and let’s get it.

Oh Wait ... You Want
The Thing Done For You?

The Whole Damn
Thing Done For You

About 80% of people want to write a book. Google estimates that 130 million books have been written – so clearly some people get their books written. 


Most don’t. 


Most end up dreaming and don’t do. Then they die. Lots of courses and companies will sell you their processes for getting a book done faster than the years it takes people to do it, if at all. 


But doing all those courses and instructions just takes more time. 


For those that appreciate that time is infinitely more valuable than money, you probably also have a better grip on the importance of opportunity costs. (I studied economics for 5 years; they were drilled into my brain.)


Unfortunately though, opportunity costs are hard to face, which means we often don’t face them or flat out ignore them. 


While time keeps passing. 


So let’s take a moment to spell some of them out so we get a grip on the real costs involved in both not writing and writing that book that’s currently stuck in your soul. 


First, there’s the opportunity cost of not writing the book in the first place ... 


** Business opportunities and gigs coming from the book … whether straight up work, speaking engagements, or other opportunities to share your brilliance (because everyone has some). 


** The wasted mental energy that comes from the nagging in your brain of that “thing you want to do” … but haven’t yet. Think of it as your angel’s share that steals gallons from your life.  


** The unknowing of can I actually do this? And not having the proof that you can.


Any one of these potentially adds up to the difference between a decent life and a great one. Only you know – or do you? Can any of us really face the fact that another month, another year – and soon another decade – passes through life as if it were only a blink of an eye.

Second, there are opportunity costs to writing your own book too. 


The hours, months and in many cases years spent strategizing, outlining, researching, wondering, sitting at a blank screen, rewriting the same paragraph over and over. The opportunity costs of not doing other things, or living, while you’re getting this project done. The time and money it takes away from your other work. 


Writing a book is no joke.


And look, I don’t mean to be light about this because this is a terrifying thought – at least depending on how you look at it. But one day that none of us can predict, we’re all going to die. Even your children. And your children’s children. Within a few generations your legacy could be wiped away. 


Your book, however? Well, that could live on in a way that passing your DNA can’t. It’s an epic way to transfer a piece of you into this world to truly impact generations to come.


If you’d like to explore this further, and think I’m the person to write your book, just enter your email address and you’ll be sent the application. This is a serious undertaking so there is no obligation (although serious inquiries only are appreciated). And if we’re not a match made in heaven, I’ll be happy to refer you to someone who might be better suited to bring your project to life. 


Leave your own vibrant and lasting stamp on the world. It’s one of the only things we really have to offer and give back to the life we’ve been blessed to live. 

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Here's the genesis of how that was done in How Not To Get Screwed By Your Lawyer
and why you should consider doing the same.

(Pump up the speed to 2x if I'm talking too slow for you in this video ...)

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